PROJECT (2017)
Artstart received a California Arts Council Grant in 2016 that supported the renovation and re-purposing of a two large concrete surfaces located in Roseland Village. In conjunction with the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (SCCDC) who contributed matching funds to the project, Artstart brought a new art-infused face to the initial phase of the mixed-use development planned for 2018. The project encompassed two areas known as Parkettes #1 and #2.
Under the direction of Ruthie Snyder, Placemaking Consultant, youth from the Roseland Boys and Girls Club and the Roseland University Prep High School, along with several adults from the community, worked throughout the fall of 2016, sporadically through a very rainy winter, and into the spring of 2017.
The youth worked on Saturdays and after school, painting surfaces of Parkette #1, and painting art-themed benches and planters, and concrete blocks that served as the boundaries of the area. On Parkette #2 Artstart designed and painted two basketball courts, several hop-scotch squares, a four-square court, and a dragon-themed labyrinth—all surrounded by concrete blocks painted with fanciful shapes and colors to brighten up the surroundings.
Mario Uribe, Artstart’s Creative Director, designed additional panels to be added to the original healing mural memorializing Andy Lopez, a young man of the Roseland community who tragically lost his life in 2013. The expanded mural was installed on June 2, 2017, at the east end of Parkette #2. About 90 people gathered at the unveiling of the mural, including members of the Sonoma Community and Local Law Enforcement Task Force, Santa Rosa Mayor and City Council members, and Roseland community members.